Friday, February 19, 2016

The 4C’s of Diamonds: Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat

Diamonds come from carbon; they are the hardest stone in the world. Diamonds are found very deep in the earth. The diamond value will vary depending on cut, color, clarity and carat.

To get a perfect cut one needs to be precise in workmanship. The cut will affect the diamond brilliance. When we hear about the cut diamond, we think it refers to shape, but it is not true. The cut of diamonds is more about proportions. It is the most important factor to determine the beauty of a diamond. When we talk about diamond cut proportions, we are talking about the relationship that involves the size, shape and angle of each diamond’s facet. A good cut diamond will reflect more light. The light reflection is known as diamond brilliance.
Diamonds come in variety of colors. Besides the white diamond, we can find other exotic colors that are highly priced such as: yellow, pink and blue diamonds. When a white diamond is colorless, it has more value since it has more brilliance. GIA scale goes from D to Z: D (colorless) and Z (light color). Fancy color diamonds are graded in a different scale.
Clarity refers to the percentage of birthmarks present in diamonds. Birthmarks are little inclusions that are present on diamonds because they come from the earth. Many times the inclusions are not only inside the stone. The inclusions can be present on the surfaces as well. These inclusions are also called blemishes, and the significant presence of them in a diamond affects its brilliance.
Carat refers to the unit of weigh because diamonds are sold by carat. One carat is the same as 0.2gr.The price of diamonds increase significantly when the carat size increases. Diamonds that have popular carat weight  such as 0.5ct are less expensive. Also, diamonds that are smaller than a full carat will be less expensive; for example, a diamond 0.85ct will be less expensive that 1.00 ct diamond.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Searching a Diamond Engagement Ring in 47 Street Diamond District

Are you searching for facts about 47 street diamond districts? Well, this is the perfect place for the hunt of diamond engagement ring. It is natural to be a little bit nervous since moment like this comes rarely in your lifetime.

You might be dreaming about the time when you will take the ring out of your pocket and ask the love of your life to be your wife. Yes, the moment is not only exciting but you also want her to love the ring as well. Quite naturally your task of finding the best diamond engagement ring in 47 street diamond district can become a hard task unless you are aware of the specifics of buying your diamond ring. Following are few points that would help you buy your dream diamond ring for your loved one.

Your Budget

First thing first, you have to have a price range in mind before you set out to buy a diamond engagement ring. The reason being when you are visiting the Jewelry stores in NYC diamond district, you will be confronted with a huge range of choices and prices. Hence, it is better to prepare yourself beforehand to get the perfect engagement ring.

Know about the 4C’s of a Diamond

If you have decided to surprise her with a diamond engagement ring, then it is wiser to keep abreast of the 4Cs, the four qualities that influence the overall appearance of a diamond and adds to its value. The 4Cs represent the Carat, Color, Clarity and Cut. With this knowledge, you will learn what needs to be included and what could be compromised to fit the ring in your budget and what is important to keep for the perfect choice.

Remember Her Taste

The most important thing when purchasing a diamond engagement ring is to know what is her preference. Ask her friends for suggestions in this regard. Is it classic or modern? Remember her choice when she talks about diamond jewelry. You can also trick her to divulge her taste in jewelry. After all, you have decided to surprise her and it makes sense to find out the best engagement ring from one of the Jewelry stores in NYC diamond district.

Again, Knowing Her Ring Size

It is better if she wears a ring always. In that case, borrow the ring and take an impression in soap bar or outline it in a piece of paper. You can also slide the ring in any of your fingers and draw a line where the ring stops. This will help the jeweler know the right size you are looking for your ring. Since, she will be wearing it for the rest of her life therefore it demands to be perfect not only in beauty but also in size.

Buying the Best Shape and Cut

Well, knowing about the shape she will like to wear is a tough task. If you find it hard then imagine and think what will suit her best. In NY diamond district jewelers, one will come across a wide array of choices in designs and shapes of diamonds, so it won’t be hard to choose a great design. There are both classic design and traditional one. There are even trendy styles that can hook a women’s imagination. Hence, plan it in your mind before setting your foot at a jewelry shop. Buying your dream engagement ring can be both an enjoyable and rewarding experience in itself if you educate yourself about the 4Cs, have knowledge about her taste and find a helpful jeweler to work with.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Street of the Finest NYC Jewelers

The splendor of the NYC jewelers can be traced to the fascinating world of jewelry district NYC.

Imagine a place full of diamonds, pearls, jewelry and you are standing at the midst of it. Imagine a place where you could break yourself free from the rest of your worldly experiences, and soak up the sparkling sight of diamonds and jewelries. To let your eyes savor each moment staring at the beautiful stones, shapes and designs in wonder. Well, this wonder land actually exists and is famous by the name of Jewelry District NYC. Here the inhabitants are the top diamond merchants as well as tourists, diamond hunters visiting from various parts of the world. New York is a city that never sleeps, offering an endless list of entertainment and wonder to locals and outsiders alike. Well, diamond district is one of its aspects that boast of glamour, fashion, passion and beauty. The street that never appears somber, the lights and the display of the shops that picks everyone’s interest, all create the ambiance of diamond district. The feeling of love brings persons of various tribes into this wonder land of diamonds and pearls. With some of the peerless NYC jewelers residing in this land, there is hardly any chance of you returning empty handed.

Are you aware of the fact that 90 percent of the diamonds that get imported to US are passed through the diamond district before coming to the retailers? Furthermore, it is not a coincidence that one of the oldest and largest diamond exchange known as the DDC exists in the heart of this district.
Before visiting the diamond district, it is always better to do some homework beforehand about jewelry or diamonds that you wish to find here. One must get some basic idea about the features and importance of the 4C’s. The 4Cs which represents the carat, color, cut and clarity are the characteristics that define the quality of a diamond. However, one does not have to be an expert of diamond overnight, but a basic knowledge is good for the best of interest. Also, the diamond district is known to be the favorite place for every woman who has affinity towards diamonds and jewelry. You might find smiling faces coming out of the jewelry shops, the roads filled with couples, buyers and salesman asking to admire their jewelry collection. The west 47th street could offer you the best of the diamonds that you have never seen before. It is actually a constellation of various exchanges and diamond stores offering a wide range of jewelry for every occasion in your life.
Custom Jewelers NYC

However, you will need to find the best diamond deal for yourself from the various gemstones and jewelry shops dotting the area. Even if you are exploring out of curiosity, there are breathtaking displays of some great jewelry collections to hook your interest. The customers coming to diamond jewelry NYC is from across the world and that makes coming here all the more appealing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Diamond Stores NYC - A Place to Find the Perfect Jewel

Diamond Stores in NYC welcome you to a dazzling world of their own. Jewelry, the finest of them are found in the heart of the emperor state. No limitation of choice, variety, or options would impede you from selecting the exact piece of jewel for your loved ones. If you can afford it, New York will not disappoint you, ever.
Diamond Stores in NYC

Only a person with impeccable taste on jewelry will be able to comprehend the significance of purchasing one from these leading jewelers. Top brands, exclusive cutting, intricate design enhance the integral features of the luminous stone. The best jewelry stores in NYC are capable of offering a designer jewelry made with exquisite craftsmanship especially for someone like you. Whether buying a ring for pursuing your lover, picking a pendant for surprising your mother or simply gifting a friend on a special day, your choice of jewelry could make an impression. This is why the selection of a store can make a difference. The finest designers craft the ornaments with sheer perfection that strikes the distinguishing note. While shopping, rely on a connoisseur who has the eyes to evaluate a gemstone for its real worth.
Diamond, the most precious gem in this world is cherished for not only its beauty but also the legends and legacies that it carries with it. Stories from ancient times celebrated diamond as a celestial presence in this mundane world. Different cultures have tried to assess its illuminating aura by associating it with different legends. In the present day, the designers are creating stories by shaping, sizing, and molding the stone into enchanting rings, necklaces, bracelets, or earrings. Walking into a store, picking one specific item and presenting it to someone special, you add one more chapter to the same ongoing saga. A jewelry shop is a place where the story finds its next destination. Therefore, you want to take the right decision stopping by a sophisticated seller in the most happening city of the world.
jewelry stores in nyc diamond district

One of the most popular and recommended place for jewelry shopping is the diamond district, Manhattan. This is a place with its own historical value. Diamond merchants from around the world have opened their boutique stores in NYC. The locality has been considered as one of the prime hubs of the global diamond industry. Known as the abode of the finest diamonds available in the United States, the famous and opulent jewelry Stores in NYC Diamond District is the one-stop destination for jewelry lovers. Near the wealthy neighborhood of fifth and sixth avenues, you are sure to find the one handpicked piece you are looking for. Not only diamond, these shops would display an array of gold jewelry signifying elegance and vivacity. Here, diversity and innovation know no limit. At the end of the day, it depends on your choice, budget, and the gravity of the occasion that are the key factors in your decision.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Story of the Diamond District NYC

Nothing can be more exciting than shopping at New York’s Diamond District aka the Diamond District NYC. The mere experience elevates the adventure of diamond hunting. On the other hand, being knowledgeable about this segment of NYC gives you more advantages to know the places where the perfect diamond is hidden. Furthermore, if you’re a newbie in this journey then it ideal to be well versed in the four C’s of diamonds and rings for the best catch. Here, you will know how to avoid the bumps in this road that lead to the perfect piece of diamond jewelry. 

 Dubbed “The city that never sleeps”, New York allows numerous aspects of any lifestyle to beguile your imagination. Amongst the various attractions is the diamond district NYC, which is regarded as the bazaar of the best diamonds in the world. Here, the top traders come to open the colonnade of their diamond display to attract diamond buyers as well as tourists from all over the world. The diverse quality of this diamond marketplace that resides in a one block radius on 47th Street between 5Th and 6th Avenue of New York City is famous by the name of Diamond District. It is also professed that it has the best and the largest collections in diamonds and fine jewelry in the whole world.
Filled with cutting houses, diamond wholesalers, manufacturers as well as retail jewelry stores on the street level, you can find anything and everything about diamonds here. Many companies come together especially in downtown places for providing the complete product from beginning to end and delivery at the same place. NYC Diamond District is filled with retail street level shops, and without their opened facades you would hardly come to understand that it is a diamond district. There are no signs of advertising since they maintain a low key profile as much as possible. The primary concern is always about security when it is about diamonds and jewelry.

If you are a first time visitor to the Diamond District then you will surely get the feel of a 3-ring circus that seems like a constant spectacle of action. A usual term to notice here is “wholesale to the public”. You might also find many salesmen trying to bring your attention to their respective store for attractive deals on diamond. This is one of the main reasons we’ve relocated to a more discrete location away from the street level. The Diamond District can be moderately intimidating if you are visiting for the first time.
Close to 2,600 retailers including some of which are the Diamond District NYC best stores specialized in the quality and designs are to be found in every corner ready to present you with the best collections of diamonds. So if you are exploring this area, chances are high that you might discover new facts about diamonds that were unknown to you, but if you don’t’ have the extra time to fish for this information or if you like a little more start forward read up on other peoples experiences on review sites like google or Yelp. You can also find various precious stones, antique jewelry, platinum jewelry, pearls and watches at this quarter. Re-stringing of pearls, jewelry engravings are also a characteristic of Diamond District NYC.
Hence, if you are in need of perfect diamond jewelry then nothing can be a better option than exploring the NYC Diamond District also known as the Diamond District NYC that offers a wide variety of diamonds.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Grab the Real Benefits of Online Diamond Shopping

When it comes to finding the perfect online diamond, it is always about spending little more to surprise your special one. The reason being choosing the ideal diamond ring will symbolize your affection for not just the wedding day but the entire life. In the contemporary times, internet being the quickest way has also been a helpful means to hover amongst the sites of online diamond jewelry. Well, some use the internet for just doing the research yet some others actually do the purchase from the online shops. On the other hand, if you are still unaware about the benefits of online diamond shopping, then make sure to go by the following facts.

  • One of the best advantages of online diamond shopping is that you can go by the price as well as the options available. Furthermore, with so many online diamond retailers available, your hunt for the perfect wedding band is sure to end dazzling. Also, there won’t be any extra expenses that happen when buying in a conventional diamond shop. The price deductions in online shopping are due to the non-inclusion of operational costs for promotion and sale of a wide variety of jewelry items. Moreover, in order to gain customer’s attention, online sellers even slash down the price of the jewelry items that are found in the physical shop.
  • Convenience is one of the most important benefits to shop from online diamond retailers. Day or night, irrespective of a stormy weather or scorching sunny day, you can buy the best diamond to surprise your love with something that she loves. You can also work for other preparation for the most awaiting moment of your life. A trend that is doing lately is to design your ring according to your tastes in diamond wedding bands and jewelry. After you have finished designing your setting, the software will create an image of your designed ring or necklace you wish to buy. This helps to get an idea of the finished product before placing the order.

  • Ordering diamonds online can also save money in terms of no shipping charge. There is no cost to pay for cab service to reach a physical shop; you just get the diamond jewelry just sitting at home. Furthermore, many retailers are into offering insurance during the transit process for the benefit of the customer. Therefore, right from choosing the perfect diamond jewelry to receiving the item, the whole process becomes hassle free.
  • After all, you would like to get the perfect diamond for your love. And what better way to go about it than purchasing the diamond online from the privacy of your home. In the online world of diamond market, you can explore through various designs, brands and shops just sitting within your home, well it is just the opposite outside.